Monday, May 24, 2010

Terrific Documentary about the Origins of Civilization is a really well done documentary on the origins of civilizations.

Have a look at Ann's blog--she's making good use of video and other links there.


  1. My daughter and I just watched this documentary film, "The Lost Pyramids of Caral." We were both so amazed at the discoveries. The pyramids, stones, cotton seeds, shells, body of a 2-month old baby carefully wrapped in linen, etc. were all discussed to come to a conclusion that the ancient city of Caral in Peru was a peaceful civilization and was very much involved in trades. Thanks for this link. It was worth our time!!!
    I also hope to watch the videos that Ann and the others have uploaded in their blogs.

  2. I watched the video as well and noticed it talks a little about the Great City of Kinsay, which is also part of the Marco Polo reading/paper due for next week. Will watch it again to help incorporate some of the information in my paper...who do I foot note the video, by the web address?

  3. That was a very educational video. The ancient people of Caral had to travel so far to reach their destination in Peru. That is such a fascinating concept. Moreover, after reading about how the civilizations in Eurasia and the Middle East continually conquered one another, it is refreshing to watch a video where you can visualize a beautiful surreal civilization where people lived in harmony.
