Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Genghis Khan Exhibit

I've followed up with the Tech Museum, and they have assured me that the museum is fully accessible, so I feel I can fully endorse a visit to the new Genghis Khan exhibit: http://www.thetech.org/.

Leave a comment if you are interested in a group trip. Individual tickets are pricey, but a field trip would be about $10/person. I'll also coordinate with the other history section.


  1. I am interested in going as well...

  2. I'm so sorry if I cannot join the class field trip because I have another class on Saturdays (10-2PM). I would probably have to go on a weekday. My question is, other than the Genghis Khan exhibit, are we required to watch the, "Arabia," in Imax at the Tech Museum? It's only shown at 4PM everyday from June 12-29. Also, since I'm going on my own, can you pls. suggest what I need to look for at the exhibit? Are we supposed to write a paper about this trip or write a blog about it? BTW, photography and video is not allowed so we probably should bring a pen and notebook, right?

  3. If I may add, I've never been to downtown San Jose, and I don't have a good sense of direction. Is the area full of one way streets (like SF)and would the museum be pretty easy to miss? I'm having second thoughts about driving, but I know I don't have other options. When exactly is the class field trip? I'm hoping that maybe my other class is already done by then. Thanks!!!

  4. Although I would love to go as a class, I am not sure I am interested enough in Ghenghis Khan to want to do my big research paper on him and it is my understanding that this is the purpose of this field trip. Please let me know if I am understanding correctly.

  5. I had hoped to go with the class to the exhibit but since it is Father's Day weekend I must plan my studies around my family celebration. Since I am still reading my chapters and then I have to do a summary, I need to decline on the trip to the museum. Have fun!!!
